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Tim Cook cez víkend predniesol prejav na svojej alma mater – University of Duke v Severnej Karolíne. Prehovoril k tohtoročným absolventom v rámci ich ukončenia štúdia presne tak, ako bolo naplánované od januára tohto roku. Nižšie si môžete pozrieť záznam jeho vystúpenia, ako aj prepis celého prejavu.

Tim Cook vo svojom prejave vyzýval absolventov, aby ‚mysleli inak' a inšpirovali sa tými, ktorí tak v minulosti urobili. Ponúkol príklad Steva Jobsa, Martina Luthera Kinga či bývalého amerického prezidenta JF Kennedyho. Vo svojom príhovore akcentoval súčasné rozdelenie (americkej) spoločnosti, bezprávie a ďalšie negatívne aspekty, ktoré v súčasnej dobe napĺňajú spoločenské prostredie v USA. Zmienil sa tiež o globálnych problémoch, ako je globálne otepľovanie, ekológia a ďalšie. Celý príhovor vyznieval skôr politicky, než inšpiratívne a mnohí zahraniční komentátori Cookovi vytýkajú, že využíva svoje postavenie na politickú agitáciu namiesto toho, aby šiel príkladom ako to robil jeho predchodca. Ak tento príhovor porovnáme s tým, ktorý predniesol Steve Jobs pri podobnej príležitosti na univerzite v Stanforde, rozdiel je viditeľný na prvý pohľad. Nižšie si môžete pozrieť videozáznam, pod ním potom prepis príhovoru v origináli.

Hello, Blue Devils! Je to skvelý na back na Duke a je to honor na pozíciu pred vás, ako je váš speaker a ako graduate.

Aj uskutočnil môj pokrok z Fuqua School v roku 1988 a pripravuje tento speech, som vytrvalý z jedného z mojich favoritov profesorov. Bob Reinheimer taught tento veľký kurz v Management Communications, ktoré zahŕňajú sharpening vaše public speaking skills.

Skutočne sa stretol v dekádach, ale som sa thrilled, keď to bolo mi, ktoré bolo remembered a predovšetkým darované verejné reproduktory, ktoré hľadali svoju kategóriu v roku 1980, s jasnou mienkou a charming personality. He said he knew way back then that this person was destined for greatness. You could imagine how this made me feel. Professor Reinheimer had an eye for talent.

And if I do say so myslf, I think his instincts were right. Melinda Gates má reálne vyrobené svoje mark in the world.

Im blahoželám k Bob a Dean Boulding a všetky moje profesory Duke. Their teachings have stayed with me throughout my career. Aj want to thank Prezident Price and the Duke faculty, a moji fellow members of board of trustees for inviting me to speak today. And I'd also ako to add moje congratulations to tento rok s honorary degree recipients.

Ale most z celého sveta, congratulations do kategórie 2018.

No graduate gets to this moment alone. Aj keď sa acknowledge vaše parenty a grandparents, ktoré sú cheering you along, just as they have every step of the way. Let's give them our thanks. Today especially, Aj remember my mother. Who watched me graduate od Duke. Aj wouldn't have been there that day or made it here today without her support. Let's give naša special thanks to naše mothers here today on Mother's Day.

Máme nádherné memories, študovať a nie študovať, s ľuďmi, ktoré stále hovoria ako s priateľmi. Cheering at Cameron pre every victory, cheering even louder when that victory is over Carolina. Look back over your shoulder fondly and say goodbye to act one of your life. And quickly look forward, act two begins dnes. It's your turn to reach out and take the baton.

You enter the world at time of great challenge. Naše krajiny sú deeply divided and too many Americans refuse to hear any opinion that is different from their own.

Táto planéta je warming s devastatingmi consequences, a tam sú niektoré denné, ktoré sú ešte happening. Our schools and communities suffer z deep inequality. We fail to guarantee every študent right to a good education. And yet, we not powerless in the face of these problems. Nie sú powerless to fix them.

No generation ha ever had more power than yours. And no generation has had a chance to change things faster than yours can. Pace at which progress is possible has accelerated drastically. Aided by technology, every individual má nástroje, potenciálne, a reach to budovať a better world. To makes to best time in history to be alive.

Aj urge you to take power you've been given and use it for good. Inšpirujte sa tým, že budete cítiť, že sa budete cítiť.

Aj didn't always see life as clearly as I do today. Alebo uvedomte si, že je skvelá challenge s životom a learning to break with conventional wisdom. Don't just accept the world you inherit today. Don't just accept the status quo. Nie veľký challenge má všetko, čo bolo solvedčené, a no kladené improvement má každý been achieved, unless ľudia dare to tri something different. Darie to think different.

Aj was lucky to learn from someone who believed this deeply. Someone ktorý knew zmenšuje svetové štarty s nasledujúcim výhľadom, nie following a cesta. He was my friend, my mentor, Steve Jobs. Steve's vision was that the great idea comes from a restless refusal to akcept things as they are.

Those principles still guide us today at Apple. We reject the notion that global warming is inevitable. That's why we run Apple on 100 percent renewable energy. We reject the excuse that getting the most z technológie means trading away your right to privacy. We choose a different path, collecting ako malý dátum as possible. Being thoughtful and respectful when it's in our care. Because sme know it belongs to you.

Na jednej ceste a na jednej strane, otázka, ktorá nás naša, nie je, čo môžeme urobiť, ale čo by sme chceli. Because Steve taught us that's how change happens. And from him I leaned to never be content with the way things are.

Aj believe this mindset comes naturally to young people – and you should never rokov go of this restlessness.

Today's ceremony isn't just about presenting you with a degrees. It's about presenting you with a question. How will you challenge the status quo? How will you push the world forward?

50 years ago today, May 13th, 1968, Robert Kennedy bol campaigning v Nebraska a spoke to v skupine študentov, ktorí boli stretnutí s tým istým problémom. Those were troubled times too. USA bola na vojne vo Vietname, bola violent unrest v amerických krajinách, a krajina bola stále reeling na assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a mesiac earlier.

Kennedy gave the študentov a call to action. Keď hľadáte túto krajinu, a keď si pozrite ľudí, ktorí majú na starosti discrimination a poverty, keď si pozrite injustície a inequality, he said you should byť poslednými ľuďmi, aby prijali tieto as. Let Kennedy's words echo here today.

You should be the last people to accept it. Whatever path you've chosen, be it medicine or business, engineering or the humanities. Ak chcete drives vaše passion, ako posledný súhlasiť s názorom, ktorý svet inherit cannot be improved. Be last to accept the excuse that says that's just how things are done here.

Duke graduates, you should be last people to accept it. You should be the first to change it.

The world-class education you've received, that you've worked so hard for, povedia you opportunities that few people have. Vy ste unikátne qualifikované, a tam sú unikátne responsible, to budovať a better way forward. That won't be easy. It will require great courage. Ale to, že courage nebude len leto, aby ste live váš život na plný úväzok, to bude empower, ktorý premení live z iných.

Last month, I bol v Birmingham na 50. výročie Dr. King's assassination, and I had the increible privilege spending time with women, ktorý sa zastavil a pracoval v blízkosti him. Mnohé z nich boli younger v čase, keď ste teraz. Tieto majú na mysli, že keď defied ich parenty a spravované sit-ins a boycotts, keď ich urobili police psov a firehoses, tieto boli risking everything ich had berie foot soldiers pre spravodlivosť bez sekundy.

Because they knew that change had to come. Because they believe sa deeply v cause of justice, because they knew that even with all of the injustice they had faced, they had the change to build something better for the next generation.

We can all learn from their example. Ak ste hop na zmenu sveta, budete musieť find your fearlessness.

If you're anything like I bol on graduation day, you're maybe not feeling so fearless. Maybe môžeš myslieť na to, čo sa chystá dostať, alebo myslieť, kde sa chystáte ísť naživo, alebo ako reagovať na študenta loan. These, I know, sú real concerns. Aj had them too. Don't rokov those worries stop you from making a differencie.

Fearlessness is taking the first step, even if you don't know where it will take you. It means being driven by a higher purpose than by applause.

It means knowing that you reveal váš charakter keď ste stand apart, more than when you stand with a crowd. Ak ste sa stretávajú s niekoľkými failure, ak ste hovorili a listovali na všetky ostatné bez ohľadu na rejekciu, ak ste sa s decenciou a kindnessom, len keď jeden nie je looking, alebo ak je sems malý alebo inconsequential, trust me. Zvyšok bude padať do miesta.

More importantly, you'll be able to tackle the big things when they come your way. It's in those truly trying moments that the fearless inspire us.

Fearless ako študentov z Parkland, ktorí refused to byť silné o epidemike zbraň violence, bringing millions to ich calls.

Fearless like the women who say “Me Too” a “Time's Up.” Ženy, ktoré cast light in dark places and move us to a more just and equal future.

Široký ako to, čo bojuje za právo immigrantov, ktorí sa podieľajú, že naše skoré future je raz, že embraces všetkých, ktorí chcú.

Duke graduates, be fearless. Be last people to akceptuje tieto myšlienky, and the first people to stand up and zmena them for the better.

V 1964, Martin Luther King gave a speech at Page Auditorium to an overflow crowd. Študenti, ktorí sa môžu dostať a sedieť listened z mimo na tráve. Dr. King warned them that someday, we would all have to atone not only for the words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence and indifference of the good people who sit around and say, "Wait on time."

Martin Luther King stood right here at Duke and said, “Time is always right to do right.” For you graduates, that time is now. It will always be now. It is time to add your brick to the path of progress. It's time for all of us to move forward. And it's time for you to vedie k ceste.

Thank you and congratulations, Class of 2018!

Zdroj: 9to5mac
